Hello! I'm Melissa, and I am the owner and founder of Honeybee's Organizing Solutions, LLC. My passion is to organize areas that cater to every lifestyle and situation, and my years of experience in the industry has left hundreds of clients’ spaces feeling new.

My motto is “Creating a Calm Life in a Chaotic World.” A new, revamped space can kickstart the motivation for you to tackle that new project you’ve wanted to in a space you previously thought too cluttered. I am passionate about helping my clients be who they desire to be through an organized life. I provide organization for the mind, body, and soul. There is nothing I love more than to help others feel good about themselves.

Being organized has always come natural to me. As a child I cannot remember a time when I wasn't rearranging or redecorating an area in my head, no matter where I was. I'd walk into a room and immediately start to figure out how things could look, feel and function better and more efficiently. I knew early on that this work was what I wanted to do. I chose the name Honeybee’s Organizing Solutions, LLC. because I think the hard work these bees do creates an efficient area—just like I do. And it helps that the word for “honeybee” in Greek is “Melissa” (μέλισσα).

It brings me great joy to be able to "play" in spaces as an adult now. Combining my life experiences, natural, and learned knowledge I create functional, productive, and harmonized spaces. Even during my 20 years in dentistry I designed organization systems throughout the offices I served. Now, I'm ready to help you design your space to serve you!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A professional home organizer is someone who helps you overcome clutter and disorganization to make your life less stressful and your time more efficient.

  • A professional home organizer not only helps you organize your mess, but they also create easy-to- follow systems to help keep it that way. They are there to help you through the entire process. They are there to sit, sort, clean, file, de-clutter, and de-stress to make your home a better place to live.

  • EVERYTHING! You will find yourself more time, less stress, you will know where everything is located (which saves time and huge headaches), and it will make your life easier and more, importantly, happier. Your environment plays a huge part on your attitude, outlook, and even blood pressure levels. When it's in disarray, that will reflect and play an immediate part on your life. It makes life so much simpler when your environment is organized, clean, and it's easy to find things.

  • I can tackle almost any space—from children's playroom to your kitchen pantry or corporate office. Almost all areas of your home, office, vehicles are covered. You can see a full listing of areas and rooms serviced on the Services page.

  • I come and evaluate the space(s) as- is and formulate a plan of action. Then, we will discuss what problems you have with the space(s), what you would like to see change, and what is currently working for you. This is all complementary and has no fuel expense!

  • I accept cash, checks, and all major credit cards, and payment is due at the end of each work session. (each day)

  • That's A-Ok! There is, however, a minimum of 3 hours for each project.